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YAY! Let's do this!

This is your invitation to shine bright, BELIEVE in yourself, take up space and claim your success!

To BE who you came here to be = Your authentic, badass, magical self!

To STOP holding yourself back, and listening to the inner critic
(that gives you a whole menu of excuses for why can't, or why you're not ready yet).

To break up with
fear, overthinking, procrastinating, perfectionism or playing small.

To make big moves, create tangible change, feel lit up with passion, and attract your soul-mate people, clients, followers and opportunities!

✨So you can become the most alive, MAGNETIC version of yourself✨

This is your time to impact the world in much bigger ways, and feel empowered in making the moves that actually result in you living your dream reality.


A much happier,  more abundant and freedom based life is waiting for you
- it's time you make big moves and make it happen. 


Consider this your call forward moment. Because...

  • That big life you dream of requires big moves.
  • Vision board'ing and writing about your dreams is great, but the truth is, life meets you at your point of action!

The universe wants you to win, but it can’t take action for you. ⚡️

If you want an avalanche of success, followers, money, clients, promotions and passion, you must MAKE MOVES like the person who knows it's already meant for them.

Playing small attracts more "smallness".

To live a life you’ve never lived, you've got to step outside your comfort zone.
Thankfully, it gets to feel a lot easier, and I'm here to lead you through that using my steps.

I know you're ready!
and who are we kidding - you know you are ready too ;) 
I’m here to guide you to jumping timelines, and make the changes you really want!

You know you are meant
for more, and to stop playing small !
You are ready....
for change.
To stop dimming your shine and holding yourself back.
to reach your amazing goals, and create an extraordinary life.

I bet you are here because...

30-day challenge /
4-week expansion. .

We'll shake things up!
You'll confidently show up in ways you've been dreaming of, but held yourself back from doing.
You get to be connected to your deepest calling, and take action from a brand new vibration.

this goes way beyond just taking a few steps, and It's not about just having a new morning routine, and saying  affirmations. 

This is much bigger! It's an upgrade in how you see yourself, who you're being, and the life you are creating. 

In this

by the end of THis 30-day challenge...

go from your current career and become a coach (or whatever your dream career move is)

ask your boss for that promotion 

show up online, grow your following, and launch the course

... Or  wait - You know what! 
We shouldn't  even call this a challenge - this is  a MOVEMENT  of amazing women who will light up the world!

Stop pushing away your intuition.! Acting on it now will align you with the universe’s flow.

Tell me if you can relate...

You were told to be realistic, or that your dreams were too much.

Sometimes you feel guilty for wanting more. More money, time, luxury... To BE more and take up space! You worry what other people might say so you downplay that desire in you, and your fullest expression.

When you're alone behind closed doors you're full of light and creativity, but as soon as you walked out into the world, you dim your shine, and push your 'weird side' aside to fit in.

I want you to know that it's so normal to make yourself smaller and play it safe, but I’m also here to tell you that IT GETS TO CHANGE.

Because your soul was not put here to be anything but that magical shining star that you really are!

You will have the tools and steps to feel wildly brace, and to finally make that leap to

Walk away from what no longer serves you, and say no

If you've been wanting to go all-in on video content to attract followers and clients. or to finally launch that side-hustle or podcast.
to Pitch yourself to be featured in the biggest news outlets,
speak on stages or go for that big dream job...
Then THIS course is truly a *must*.! 

your ideas will no longer just be secret  notes tucked away in your notebook, you'll feel inspired to take the action to bring them to life.

intro deep-dive workshop

40-minute workshop where I guide you to shift your mindset, feel deeply empowered to stop holding yourself back, release fear, and step into a new level of personal power, believing in yourself!

This month-long challenge gives you 5 steps every week

To launch you into a new way of being, Each step includes a 5–17 minute video, some with workbooks / prompts. My method blends mindset, emotional regulation, subconscious reprogramming, identity work, and manifestation.

Some days focus on deep reflection and integration; others offer a quick, super powerful shift.

easy access

Download the free app for easy access.
Follow the suggested structure that I share in the welcome video, or go at your own pace, and play however you like!


You get immediate access so you can dive right in, and play this how it's best for you.




one time payment

Course Value = $479


sign up now

Liv's program helped me reach a career goal that i didn't even think was possible

Liv grabs you from the very first moment. She is sincere, present and her energy extremely contagious.Liv's program has been in invaluable support in building my confidence and taking action towards my dreams.

Anita budde
entrepreneur, mindset trainor

After just one workshop with Liv on overcoming fear, I made a  life-changing decision.

For the longest, I had been wanting to make a carrer change. After this workshop with Liv I finally got the courage and signed up for my dream certification and career shift. It feels right on purpose, and I am so excited!

mette-stine skjøtt

Liv... thank you for giving me my LIFE back!
I love you and your energy

Liv's program made me believe that I'm not just capable, but I should confidently say, "Here I am," without worrying about what others think. I've let go of all the doubts I had. I never imagined I'd feel comfortable going on camera to share my passion and promote my projects, but now I'm doing everything I've always wanted!

sacha holm
retreat space owner and facilitator

i used to think i could go at it alone, but Liv's guidance and resources lit up my path to success

I bid farewell to my old job to embrace self-employment, and Liv helped me discover the key to peak performance.

christina dahlerup
self-employed singer  

Liv is an absolutely fantastic coach

Before LIV's program I was in a place where I had conformed to society's expectations and other people's priorities, losing touch with my own desires. Joining Liv's program was an amazing journey of self-discovery, where I reclaimed my true self and learned to really put myself first.

sanja markovic
ayurvedic therapist

liv helped me change my whole life and career

From burnout, feeling like I wasn't good enough and anxiety - TO feeling on top of the world, loving myself, my life and creating my dreams

puk kornbo
podcast host, performance coach

 eady to take your LIFE to the next LEVEL?