Ambitious women's playbook to leverage the 12 immutable Laws of the Universe.


You fell in love with the world of manifestation, but then got frustrated when things aren't clicking*... now you're ready for clarity and to uplevel your game!

Yay! Sign me up!

Now it's your turn to leverage
the immutable Laws of the Universe
to manifest the life, money and success you're dreaming of! 

You are absolutely fascinated by the world of manifestation, and thrilled by the possibility of co-creating your DREAM reality, BUT...

At some point the excitement turned into frustration because things aren't *clicking*.

Here's the thing, 99% of people focus on the law of attraction! And they also know they have to take action to put things into motion..
But this simply doesn't cut it!
(trust me, I've also been there in "manifestation burnout").

The key is, that the other 11 laws hold equal wealth and abundance in the system, and that they all ALWAYS work TOGETHER!

And when you unlock the wisdom of all the immutable laws of the universe you will see exactly how co-creation really works like magic!

Can You Relate? 

Instead of continuing to judge myself for
"not getting it"
, I felt a rush of peace, inner power and things
started to shift!

When I immersed myself in the Universal Laws and developed a system to integrate them

Through the law of relativity, I started to transform how I perceived and manifested money.
Through the law of correspondance, I felt more empowered than ever!
Through the law of polarity, I could see how I wasn't being punished or a "bad manifestor", so, I released self-judgement and saw how life had gifted me these lessons for my direction.
 And through the law of oneness, I finally released the guilt/shame of dreaming "too big" , that had been blocking me for years.
And these are just some of my examples...

Yay! Sign me up!

Unlock the ancient wisdom, intricacy and power of co-creating your ultimate dream reality with the 12 immutable Universal Laws. Crafted especially for high-achieving women.

from second Guessing to embodied clarity

meet the crash course that will take you

Just hearing or reading about
the laws WON'T work...

what's important to know is...

Initially, the laws didn't impact me because I just knew them on a logical level and I wasn't sure how to connect it all.
But when I integrated coaching to explore their connection to my business, money, energy, and self-worth, that's when it changed!
That is why I teach these laws different than what you'll find elsewhere.


A step by step course teaching you the 12 immutable Laws of the Universe, and helping you embody an empowered approach to powerfully manifest your big dreams.

I'm thrilled to Introduce

You've got big dreams, and you're driven.
That's how you already know...

Just working harder doesn't cut it!

In fact, it's outdated and misguided societal programming that pushes us toward burnout.
People aren't at their best when overworked and imbalanced. Let's break free and work smart, in harmony to RESONATE your
desired outcome.

Thinking you have to "attract" it isn't working

If you slow down and feel into it "I have to attract"...
It feels like effort, right?!
Effort and thinking it's "out there" is not in line with the vibration of having it already. Let's dial in an empowered perspective!

Perceiving your money goals as really big has not brought it to you.

To align with your money goal, you want to change your perspective that it's really big or far away, and instead tune into a way more supportive perspective!


The 12 immutable Universal Laws and what they govern

The top 3 key-takeaways from each law

Coaching questions to reflect and integrate so it doesn't stay in your logical mind but you embody and start making shifts in your life right away

In the introduction section I will briefly guide you through the "New Earth Frequency" and my personal "Law of Life" to create ultimate fulfilment, I'll bust a huge manifestation myth for you and help you find the perfect balance between karma and spiritual bypassing, so you're set up for success!

In this crash course I guide you through:




you get Immediate access to all material

Hows does it work and what do you receive? 

I guide you through each step

integration blueprint

Want a tour?

Once you've purchased this program:

You get 2 super valuable brief introduction videos to expand your perspective and set you up for succes. Then, I guide you through each law over 8 videos. Each video is between 15 - 28 minutes long.

In a simplified, effective way curated for busy, ambitious women. I cut out the "fluff" and get straight to what works and how I recommend you embody the shift.

After each law you get a reflection sheet of impactful questions to help you create real shifts in your life!

Have a look inside by clicking this YouTube link:

- Gitte Pedersen,

I got an early look at this program, and it's been a game-changer! It helped me uncover hidden obstacles, raised my awareness of previously unknown blocks, and provided extremely valuable insights into how I can manifest my goals. I'll definitely keep returning to this program for guidance, and I highly recommend it to others!


make up artist and entrepreneur

- Client NAme

Tiramisu halvah lollipop candy canes I love liquorice sesame snaps lollipop cheesecake. Jelly-o pie pie pastry halvah. Chocolate cake gingerbread jujubes chupa chups dessert I love pudding jelly-o. 

This course transformed my business!



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With this payment plan you will invest $33 monthly for 3 months, your total will be $99.

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success stories

Cecilia Lyngtoft

Honestly, I was sceptical about signing up but Liv's program blew my mind.

I felt like I was living half a life but Liv's inner circle and live group calls helped me finally unlock my true power, and fall in love with my new, upgraded life.
The best bonus on top is the amazing, loving and over-the-moon supportive tribe I have gotten from it.
LIVNESS changed the course of both my life and business, and I am forever grateful!

be bold!

Sacha Holm

"Liv... thank you for giving me my LIFE back!
I love you and your energy.

"I transitioned from self-employment to battling chronic illness, which left me feeling lost and uncertain about how to move forward. Then, I discovered Liv's program, and it instilled in me the belief that I'm not only capable but should boldly proclaim, 'Here I am,' without being burdened by others' opinions. I've shed any lingering doubts. I never thought I'd confidently go on camera to share my passion and promote my projects, but now I'm doing everything I've ever wanted! Liv's program provided me with invaluable tools to bring my boldest dreams closer to reality.

Sanja Markovic

"Liv is an absolutely fantastic coach. I found self-love and got the courage to launch my dream business

Before LIVNESS, I was in a place where I had conformed to society's expectations and other people's priorities, losing touch with my own desires. Joining Liv's program was an amazing journey of self-discovery, where I reclaimed my true self and learned to really put myself first. Liv's community erased my sense of loneliness on the journey and gave me a community to bond with. Thanks to Livness, I found self-love and built the courage to quit my job and pursue my dream business. I am so incredibly grateful and highly recommend this to other ambitious women!  

Meet your coach

A serial entrepreneur, manifestation teacher and a Mastery Method Coach certified by the Institute of Coaching Mastery in California.
I also host the LIVNESS podcast which rose to TOP 2 in Denmark the year we launched. 

This may sound amazing - and I won't lie, I am living my absolute dream life!
But not many years ago, it was a completely different story! 
I was broke and broken.
Unemployed with studen loans, no sense of direction, a failed business idea and a whole bunch of anxiety, self-loathing and insecurity.
But my  low led me to my biggest gifts - I dove into personal development and manifestation, and it shifted everything for me! 
 I shifted my entire life, has given me so much abundance, freedom, a business I love, my soul-mate and the most sincere friendships.
I sometimes can't believe how good my life is!
... but it is...! And whatever YOU are dreaming of I KNOW in my bones that you can have it!

i want in!

Hi, i'm Liv! 

I've read so many books and know all the podcasts on manifestation.
will this help me? 

Still have questions?

If you haven't yet harnessed and powerfully understood all the universal laws then YES, absolutely! It will deepen your wisdom and you'll gain new insights into co-creating your desires.

Is there 1:1 support in this program?

No, at the this price point you get so much value for a DIY solution, and it's set up to guide you every step of the way. If you'd like 1:1 support please reach out and I'll let you know when I start my next Live cohort with personalized suppert and community. Please note, the investment for these cohorts are 5-figures.

No, you have full freedom to complete this at your own pase! In the introduction video I share amazing practices to go through the program and you'll get the most of it, without overwhelm!
It'll feel easy and effective.

Still have questions?

Please DM me on Instagram
or e-mail us at 

I want in!

I don't have much time in my day. is there a completion deadline?

Oh yesss! You'll save yourself so much time and frustration by integrating these laws right from the get go!

I'm brand new to manifestation - is this right for me?

You'll still gain so much useful wisdom and it will provide amazing AHA-moments for you. However, in this case I would highly recommend my course "Made for It" which is a super powerful 3 week "success mindset" accellerator program where you'll experience incredible shifts and feel way more confident!!
"Made for It" launches February 14th 2024.
Cosmic Code and Made for It is an amazing combination and would be super powerful for you!

I struggle with limiting beliefs and building my confidence. is this the course for me?

Oh yesss! You'll save yourself so much time and frustration by integrating these laws right from the get go!

I'm brand new to manifestation - is this right for me?