Hey Queen!

Everything you want - wants you too!
The problem is, you've not yet stepped into the version of yourself where you're an irresistible match for it, and where you're confidently creating it.

and MANIFEST your ultimate dream life? 

Now Only: $44 Pre-Sale

Are you ready to


  • You're ready for so much more! More freedom, more happiness, more money, more clients, more ease, and magical life experiences.

  • You want to feel way more confident! To feel like a powerhouse, and that you're in full control of your life, and what you create.

  • You want to normalize new levels of success, love and happiness - in all areas of your life!

  • You no longer just want to think about the woman you'd like to be and fantastize about your dreams - you want to fully embody being her, knowing you are capable and more than good enough - because that's how you'll be wildly magnetic.

  • You want to evoke full universal support, and turn the tap on so that good things keep flowing into your life.

Creating the best season of your life just got so much better!

Let's Catalyst!


The Problem is...

You have everything it takes inside of you, and you were born to have it all...
  • Deep down you doubt if you really have what it takes
  • Too often, you compare yourself to other women and feel like you're behind in life
  • You don't always listen to your intuition
  • You sometimes overthink and feel paralyzed, instead of taking courageous inspired action on what truly lights you up
  • Sometimes, you care so much about what other people think, that you forget to put yourself first and you dim your shine

And I bet you already:

  • wrote affirmations and made your vision board

  • try to focus on what you want to attract, and what you're grateful for

  • do your best to be positive and on "a high vibration"

.. and it probably even worked for a while!

but then you hit a plateau! or you're experiencing a slump, and you crave a boost to up-level your confidence, energy and life, like right now ..

You want to feel way more confident, energized and attract better results now.

- and you want it without overwhelm, sitting in meditation for hours or writing daily pages of affirmations!

It's time to make a leap towards living your big dream life.

Sign me up now to lock in this price!

from  STAGNANT  to




Program value: $575
Normal Price: $135
right now  -70% off 

  • refuel your energy and mindset to feel unstoppable


  • UNAPOLOGETICALLY EVOKE UNIVERSAL SUPPORT, so the universe gets behind you and syncronicity/miracles start happening

  • clear your energy to feel vibrant and attract from a much more potent vibration

  • Start trusting yourself and your ideas

  • stop operating out of fear and shrinking yourself, and instead operate from inspiration and unapologetic expansion 


Let's do this!

pre-sale DISCOUNT

Program value: $575
Normal Price: $135
right now  -70% off 

Let's Do This →




A "drop" is curated mix of either a video training or super powerful audio and supportive workbooks for even more powerful transformation

You get to play this however you want as it's self-paced, and you have full control and freedom!

program is a super powerful 
(self-paced) 7-day experience.


We begin May 13th!

Who is it designed for? 

the busy ambitious woman who’s already got a lot on her plate, and want an easy, effective way to her next level (without a big time commitment or larger investment)

It consists of 7 days / 7 drops of content that will help you bust through blocks, feel way more energized, and skyrocket your confidence and belief in your own magic

Going from feeling like you're running on a hamster wheel to experience an avalanche of success and happiness.

Let's make big shifts, without any overwhelm or lenghty meditation ritual you know you won't commit to right now anyway.

Let's make big shifts, without any overwhelm or lenghty meditation ritual you know you won't commit to right now anyway.

This is about YOU stepping into BEING WILDLY MAGNETIC.

You Need

and reset your nervous system, so you can set, AND KEEP, new standards for your life and what you draw to you!

you don't manifest what you want - you manifest what you believe in! 
We'll create deep shifts around what you believe you are capable of, and thereby align you with THIS frequency! 

you'll let go of your old "auto pilot" / hamster wheel so you start creating magical syncronicity and cultivate an energy that fiercely attracts what you want to call in to your life

Let's ACCELERATE your dreams,now!

success stories

Cecilia Lyngtoft

Honestly, I was sceptical about signing up but Liv's program blew my mind.

I felt like I was living half a life but Liv's inner circle and live group calls helped me finally unlock my true power, and fall in love with my new, upgraded life.
The best bonus on top is the amazing, loving and over-the-moon supportive tribe I have gotten from it.
LIVNESS changed the course of both my life and business, and I am forever grateful!

be bold!

Sacha Holm

"Liv... thank you for giving me my LIFE back!
I love you and your energy.

"I transitioned from self-employment to battling chronic illness, which left me feeling lost and uncertain about how to move forward. Then, I discovered Liv's program, and it instilled in me the belief that I'm not only capable but should boldly proclaim, 'Here I am,' without being burdened by others' opinions. I've shed any lingering doubts. I never thought I'd confidently go on camera to share my passion and promote my projects, but now I'm doing everything I've ever wanted! Liv's program provided me with invaluable tools to bring my boldest dreams closer to reality.

Sanja Markovic

"Liv is an absolutely fantastic coach. I found self-love and got the courage to launch my dream business

Before LIVNESS, I was in a place where I had conformed to society's expectations and other people's priorities, losing touch with my own desires. Joining Liv's program was an amazing journey of self-discovery, where I reclaimed my true self and learned to really put myself first. Liv's community erased my sense of loneliness on the journey and gave me a community to bond with. Thanks to Livness, I found self-love and built the courage to quit my job and pursue my dream business. I am so incredibly grateful and highly recommend this to other ambitious women!  


To attract a multitude of dream clients, and grow your business.
Or manifest your dream job, and open up to receiving abundance and having more money than ever!

You're no longer available for drama and people who drain you.  - You want to attract and surround yourself with your soul-mate people in all areas of life! 
Whether you've been craving a new circle of friends, romantic partner, to re-kindle the love in your marriage or to connect with people who inspire *the shift* out of you. 

You want to feel deeply fulfilled, excited about your life and having the freedom to do what you want. You want to live in a beautiful home, travel to amazing destinations and to spend quality time with those you love most.

I believe...
You dove into the world of mindset & manifestation because you have really big dreams, and want to build an incredibly fulfilling life for yourself.

It's time to stop feeling like you're constantly behind, chasing your dreams - and shift into being a potent magnet for your desires!

And I am here to tell you that it is absolutely possible for you!
You're here because your want:

pre-sale DISCOUNT

Program value: $575
Normal Price: $135
currently -70% off 

Let's Do This →

pre-sale FLASH SALE:


Meet your coach

A serial entrepreneur, manifestation teacher and a Mastery Method Coach certified by the Institute of Coaching Mastery in California.
I also host the LIVNESS podcast which rose to TOP 2 in Denmark the year we launched. 

This may sound amazing - and I won't lie, I am living my absolute dream life!
But not many years ago, it was a completely different story! 
I was broke and broken.
Unemployed with studen loans, no sense of direction, a failed business idea and a whole bunch of anxiety, self-loathing and insecurity.
But my  low led me to my biggest gifts - I dove into personal development and manifestation, and it shifted everything for me! 
 I shifted my entire life, has given me so much abundance, freedom, a business I love, my soul-mate and the most sincere friendships.
I sometimes can't believe how good my life is!
... but it is...! And whatever YOU are dreaming of I KNOW in my bones that you can have it!

Let's do this together

Hi, i'm Liv! 

Initially, manifestation didn't rock my world because I just knew it on a logical level but also feeling overwhelmed by all the info online.
I was reading the books and trying all all the hacks. 
But when I tapped into my next-level MAGNETIC version of myself, my world exploded way beyond what I had imagined for myself!
It helped me grow my business, make lots of money, meet my soul-mate
and build the lifestyle I always desired.
That is why I teach manifestation different than what mainstream tells you!

I've read all the books and consider myself quite the mindset + manifestation expert, 
will this help me? 

Still have questions?

YES, absolutely! It will deepen your wisdom and you'll gain new insights into co-creating your desires and reality.

Is there 1:1 support in this program?

No, at the this price point you get so much value for a DIY solution, and it's set up to guide you every step of the way. If you'd like 1:1 support please e-mail me at Liv@Livness.com

No, you have full freedom to complete this at your own pase! In the introduction video I share amazing practices to go through the program and you'll get the most of it, without overwhelm!
It'll feel easy and effective.

Still have questions?

Please DM me on Instagram @Livness.co
or e-mail us at CustomerLove@Livness.com 

I want in!

I don't have much time in my day. is there a completion deadline?

Oh yesss! You'll save yourself so much time and frustration by integrating these teachings and practices from the get go!

I'm brand new to personal development and manifestation - is this right for me?