Helping ambitious women master manifestation
and powerfully step into their dream life 

Manifestation Teacher

Mindset and Psychology Nerd


Podcaster, Dreamer

and the BIGGEST cheerleader for women building on-fire-confidence, happiness & wealth.

I created LIVNESS with a mission to help ambitious women (just like you) step more fully into their creational power.
To feel fully confident, aligned, alive, AND manifesting their dream reality.
You were NOT put on this earth to play small, burn out or live by other people's rules.
I can’t wait to empower YOU to cross the bridge from your "old" life (and old programming that no longer serves you) - to feeling fired up, shining your brightest light and attracting anything you desire into your dream life.

Liv Helped Me Change My Whole Life In Less Than a Year. 

From anxiety, self-doubt and burnout to feeling on-top-of-the-world, loving every day and launching my dream business.

Free 5 minute daily ritual that helps you accellerate your manifestations by tuning into your vision and communicate in the language of your  subconscious mind (your personal superpower)


I'm Liv

Your brand new motivator who's right now pulling out the ice-cold bubbly so we can make a toast to your new reality!

I'm multidimensiona (aren't we all?!). I love being a CEO, going into meetings wearing my sophisticated business suit, and coaching on all things mindset, wealth wiring & high-performance. 
On the other hand, i'm also a boho girl dancing barefoot on the beach in Bali during a full moon ceremony, talking about your soul purpose. But let me tell you... my life wasn't always like this! Battling anxiety, NO self-esteem, debt, and unemployment. Trust me, I know a thing or two about completely re-creating life. And I'm for all parts of you!

Honestly, I was sceptical about signing up but Liv's program blew my mind.

I felt like I was living half a life but Liv's course and live group calls helped me
finally unlock my true power, and fall in love with my new, upgraded life.
The best bonus on top is the amazing, loving and over-the-moon
supportive tribe I have gotten from it.
LIVNESS changed the course of both my life and business,
and I am forever grateful!


& ALIGNMENT Programs Shop

Kick Your Feet Up Girlfriend, and Pour Your Most-Loved Drink.
It's Time To Transition Into A New Energy and Point of Attraction/Creation! 

My 1:1 Mentoring is Currently Maxed Out

Yup, girl! I can't believe it either. But truly this is a mix of attracting the most incredible humans and strategy. I'll be happy to teach you how when I open up new spots!

Group Events and Retreats are

"My Happy Place"

Whether it's hosting my inner circle, going live on Zoom,
guiding a luxury retreat or speaking on a stage,
I always find that the energy of expansion and transformation in a loving sisterhood is so incredible!


What can i say?! 
My mission of helping heart-centered women rise up their full power and potential is an addiction! ;)
Follow for daily boost and insights that will help elevate your manifestations!

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Supercharge Your Manifestations

Re-program your subconscious and speed up your manifestations with this unique 8 minute ritual

The Livness

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